State Senator (R)
Senate Committee
State Senator (R)
State Senator (R)
Bill | Category | Caption | Date Referred to Committee |
SB 94 | Health Insurance |
Relating to certain fees charged for the adjudication of pharmacy benefit claims. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 26 | Family and Children Issues Labor and Employment Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues State Agencies |
Relating to state government worksite breast-feeding policies. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 46 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Other |
Relating to the confidentiality of certain property tax appraisal photographs. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 48 | Business and Consumers Commerce Municipal and County Issues Recreation |
Relating to the events eligible for funding from the Major Events trust fund. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 34 | State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to a report concerning information security for this state's information resources. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 35 | State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the acknowledgment by management of risks identified in state agency information security plans. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 75 | Insurance |
Relating to insurer rating practices requiring prior approval. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 92 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues State Agencies |
Relating to regulation of certain credit services organizations and to certain extensions of consumer credit the organizations obtain for a consumer or assist a consumer in obtaining. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 91 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Labor and Employment |
Relating to a restriction on charges charged for certain extensions of consumer credit that a credit access business obtains for a consumer or assists a consumer in obtaining. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 39 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education Municipal and County Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the preference given by state and local governmental entities, including public institutions of higher education, to agricultural products produced or grown in this state. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 59 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Family and Children Issues Health Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues Social Issues |
Relating to an exemption from competitive bidding requirements for the procurement of services for victims of family violence. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 90 | Health Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to notice and prior approval of health benefit plan rates. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 79 | Commerce Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to prohibition of the use of credit scoring in underwriting and rating certain personal lines of insurance coverage. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 76 | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Insurance Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues |
Relating to prohibition of certain insurance discrimination. | 01/26/2015 |
SB 115 | Labor and Employment Legislative Affairs Other Senior Issues |
Relating to the nonconfidential status of certain state pension information. | 01/27/2015 |
SB 154 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Health Housing and Property Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to rest breaks for employees of certain contractors with a governmental entity; providing an administrative penalty. | 01/27/2015 |
SB 188 | Business and Consumers Insurance |
Relating to certain insurers' insurance rating and underwriting practices based on certain consumer inquiries. | 01/27/2015 |
SB 155 | Business and Consumers Housing and Property Labor and Employment Other State Agencies |
Relating to required workers' compensation insurance coverage for building and construction contractors. | 01/27/2015 |
SB 189 | Business and Consumers Insurance |
Relating to certain practices in the business of personal automobile insurance. | 01/27/2015 |
SB 121 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues State Agencies |
Relating to credit services organizations and extensions of consumer credit facilitated by credit services organizations; providing civil and administrative penalties. | 01/27/2015 |
SB 238 | Labor and Employment State Agencies Technology and Communication Transportation |
Relating to the use of a wireless communication device by a state officer or employee while operating a motor vehicle. | 01/28/2015 |
SB 267 | Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the regulation by a municipality or county of the rental or leasing of housing accommodations. | 01/28/2015 |
SB 262 | Health Insurance Labor and Employment |
Relating to requirements for employers who do not obtain workers' compensation insurance coverage under the Texas Workers' Compensation Act; providing an administrative violation. | 01/28/2015 |
SB 235 | Arts and Humanities Legal Issues Recreation |
Relating to consumption of alcoholic beverages in certain entertainment facilities. | 01/28/2015 |
SB 263 | Labor and Employment |
Relating to injury and occupational disease reporting requirements for employers who do not obtain or otherwise provide workers' compensation insurance coverage; providing an administrative violation. | 01/28/2015 |
SB 283 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Housing and Property Judiciary |
Relating to requirements for the nonjudicial foreclosure of certain residential mortgage liens. | 01/28/2015 |
SB 335 | Executive Branch Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to the right of officers of counties, county boards of school trustees, and county boards of education to obtain information, documents, and records. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 396 | Business and Consumers Legal Issues |
Relating to the amount of wine certain wineries may sell directly to consumers. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 374 | Immigration Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to requiring state agencies to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 367 | Crime Legal Issues Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the unauthorized use of an alcoholic beverage permit or license; providing a criminal penalty. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 353 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education Labor and Employment Legal Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to state agency contracting. | 02/02/2015 |
SJR 9 | Legislative Affairs State Agencies |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for review or approval of state agency rules by the elected members of the legislature. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 350 | Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the duties of the General Land Office and other state agencies with regard to the accounting for and management of real property owned by the state. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 303 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education Labor and Employment |
Relating to the effect of certain agreements with a collective bargaining organization on certain state-funded public work contracts. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 332 | Health Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to the use of maximum allowable cost lists related to pharmacy benefits. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 336 | Executive Branch Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to the right of municipal officers to obtain information, documents, and records. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 392 | Other Technology and Communication |
Relating to posting notice of a meeting of a governmental body on the Internet instead of in a newspaper. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 326 | Business and Consumers Legal Issues |
Relating to the amount of wine certain wineries may sell directly to consumers. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 322 | Health Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to access to pharmacists, pharmacies, and pharmaceutical care under certain health benefit plans. | 02/02/2015 |
SJR 16 | Family and Children Issues Health Insurance Legislative Affairs |
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the rights of individuals to choose or decline to choose to purchase health insurance coverage. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 302 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Executive Branch Insurance Municipal and County Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the operation of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association; affecting surcharges. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 337 | Executive Branch Other |
Relating to the right of directors of special districts to obtain district information, documents, and records. | 02/02/2015 |
SB 401 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Immigration Labor and Employment Other State Agencies |
Relating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. | 02/04/2015 |
SB 430 | Legal Issues |
Relating to allowing the holder of a brewpub license to sell ale and malt liquor to certain wholesalers. | 02/04/2015 |
SB 410 | Health Insurance |
Relating to reimbursement under preferred provider benefit plans for services provided by licensed podiatrists. | 02/04/2015 |
SB 425 | Health Legal Issues |
Relating to health care information provided by and notice of facility fees charged by certain freestanding emergency medical care facilities. | 02/04/2015 |
SB 428 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the approval of certain alcoholic beverages by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. | 02/04/2015 |
SB 429 | Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to constructing facilities for state agencies in the Capitol Complex and the North Austin Complex. | 02/04/2015 |
SB 433 | Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to a membership interest in a limited liability company subject to a charging order. | 02/09/2015 |
SB 447 | Other Social Issues State Agencies |
Relating to designating English as the official language of this state. | 02/09/2015 |
SB 459 | Executive Branch Family and Children Issues Legislative Affairs State Agencies |
Relating to the creation of the Advisory Council on Cultural Affairs in the office of the governor. | 02/09/2015 |
SB 434 | Business and Consumers Commerce Other |
Relating to the repeal of the authorization for a governing body to conduct economic development negotiations in a closed meeting under the open meetings law. | 02/09/2015 |
SB 478 | Housing and Property Judiciary |
Relating to the promulgation of certain forms for use in landlord-tenant matters. | 02/10/2015 |
SB 484 | Business and Consumers Commerce Immigration Labor and Employment Other |
Relating to restrictions in connection with public subsidies and contracts awarded to businesses that employ undocumented workers. | 02/10/2015 |
SB 481 | Business and Consumers Health Insurance Legal Issues |
Relating to consumer information concerning facility-based physicians and notice and availability of mediation for balance billing by a facility-based physician. | 02/10/2015 |
SB 508 | Labor and Employment Military State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the employment of veterans by a public entity or public work of this state. | 02/11/2015 |
SB 501 | Health Insurance Legal Issues |
Relating to availability of professional liability insurance under a self-insurance trust for health care. | 02/11/2015 |
SB 494 | Insurance State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the availability of certain property and casualty insurance forms on the Internet. | 02/11/2015 |
SB 498 | Business and Consumers Housing and Property Insurance |
Relating to building code requirements for residential property insured by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. | 02/11/2015 |
SB 506 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to the authority of a political subdivision of this state to execute certain contracts for the use or acquisition of personal property. | 02/11/2015 |
SB 548 | Other |
Relating to the membership of the Electrical Safety and Licensing Advisory Board. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 526 | Legal Issues |
Relating to restrictions on holders of package store permits. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 539 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to reinsurance financial statement credit and accounting. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 522 | Business and Consumers Commerce State Agencies |
Relating to the procedure for adoption by a state agency of rules that may have an adverse economic effect on small businesses and micro-businesses. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 524 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Judiciary Legislative Affairs Municipal and County Issues State Agencies |
Relating to a review of state laws requiring an action or proceeding to be brought in Travis County or a Travis County court. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 533 | Legislative Affairs Public Services State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to the parking and movement of vehicles in the Capitol Complex. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 540 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the hours during which a holder of a retail dealer's on-premise late hours license may sell beer. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 559 | Education Labor and Employment Other |
Relating to public availability of the name of an applicant for the position of executive director, chief investment officer, or chief audit executive of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 558 | Business and Consumers Commerce Other |
Relating to public availability of certain information related to economic development negotiations. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 525 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to ad valorem tax lien transfers. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 543 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Labor and Employment Other State Agencies |
Relating to oversight of and requirements applicable to state contracts and other state financial and accounting issues; authorizing fees. | 02/18/2015 |
SB 618 | Legal Issues |
Relating to grounds for refusal, cancellation, or suspension of certain alcoholic beverage licenses and permits. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 598 | Business and Consumers Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Education Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to improvements on private property for public private partnerships. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 617 | Crime Insurance Legal Issues |
Relating to the operation of certain self-insurance trusts for health care liability claims; requiring a certificate of authority to engage in the business of insurance. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 628 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to limitations on the capture or possession of a biometric identifier by a governmental body. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 620 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Other State Agencies |
Relating to the issuance of commemorative coins by a vendor designated as the official state mint. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 572 | Insurance |
Relating to certain title insurance policy liability and reinsurance requirements. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 604 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages to customers of a package store during certain hours. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 600 | Insurance |
Relating to underinsured motorist coverage in personal automobile insurance policies. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 599 | Insurance |
Relating to insurers' choices in connection with uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 594 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Housing and Property Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to the provision of certain information by a title insurance company to a buyer of residential real estate. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 609 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the regulation of package store permit holders. | 02/23/2015 |
SB 653 | Labor and Employment |
Relating to increasing the amount of burial benefits required to be paid by an insurance carrier under the workers' compensation system. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 646 | Insurance |
Relating to actuarial certification of title insurance company reserves. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 641 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to debit card or stored value card surcharges; providing a civil penalty. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 644 | Health Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to health insurance identification cards issued by qualified health plan issuers. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 657 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes State Agencies |
Relating to the appointment of the commissioners of certain financial regulatory agencies by the Finance Commission of Texas. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 672 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to restrictions on the sale by a state agency of information that identifies an individual. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 684 | Health Insurance |
Relating to the relationship of certain optometrists, therapeutic optometrists, and ophthalmologists with certain managed care plans, including preferred provider plans. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 666 | Labor and Employment Other |
Relating to the status of a subcontractor as an employee for the purposes of workers' compensation insurance coverage. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 679 | Other Technology and Communication Transportation |
Relating to public meetings of joint airport boards. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 667 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to reinsurance, distributions, and pooling arrangements by captive insurance companies. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 680 | Legal Issues Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages in areas annexed or owned by certain municipalities. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 655 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to own risk and solvency assessment by insurers and insurance groups; providing a penalty. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 654 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to regulation of rates and policy forms for certain commercial lines of insurance. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 661 | Military Other |
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information concerning service members of the state military forces. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 656 | Other |
Relating to perpetual care cemeteries. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 668 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Legal Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the adoption of a training manual for certain state officers. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 670 | State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the Texas Identification Number system. | 02/24/2015 |
SB 700 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Legal Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to the use of electronic processes by and electronic information submitted to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission; authorizing a fee. | 02/25/2015 |
SB 705 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes State Agencies |
Relating to the review of and notifications regarding certain state contracts. | 02/25/2015 |
SB 699 | Housing and Property Other State Agencies |
Relating to the Texas Real Estate Commission and the regulation of certain real estate professionals. | 02/25/2015 |
SB 703 | Business and Consumers Other Transportation |
Relating to the tow rotation list in certain counties. | 02/25/2015 |
SB 690 | Insurance |
Relating to the applicability of certain insurance laws to certain farm mutual insurance companies. | 02/25/2015 |
SB 781 | Education Health Immigration Insurance Labor and Employment |
Relating to the purchase of certain insurance coverage and the performance of related risk management services for certain university systems and the component institutions of those systems. | 03/02/2015 |
SB 738 | Business and Consumers Commerce Housing and Property |
Relating to the transfer or termination of certain timeshare interests. | 03/02/2015 |
SB 719 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the direct shipment of certain alcoholic beverages to ultimate consumers; authorizing a fee. | 03/02/2015 |
SB 799 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Legal Issues Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to indemnification and duties of engineers and architects under certain governmental contracts. | 03/02/2015 |
SB 784 | Health Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to collection and use of certain information reported to and by the Texas Department of Insurance and certain approval authority and hearings held in connection with reported information. | 03/02/2015 |
SB 782 | Crime Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to the investigation by the commissioner of insurance of acts of insurance fraud. | 03/02/2015 |
SB 783 | Crime Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to the development of antifraud educational programs by the Texas Department of Insurance and acceptance of gifts, grants, and donations for the department's fraud unit. | 03/02/2015 |
SB 808 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the sale of distilled spirits to ultimate consumers by the holder of a distiller's and rectifier's permit. | 03/03/2015 |
SB 802 | Legal Issues Recreation |
Relating to consumption of alcoholic beverages in public entertainment facilities. | 03/03/2015 |
SB 828 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the sale of distilled spirits to ultimate consumers by the holder of a distiller's and rectifier's permit. | 03/03/2015 |
SB 859 | Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to partnerships and limited liability companies. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 860 | Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to corporations and fundamental business transactions. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 858 | Legal Issues |
Relating to license holders authorized to obtain label approval for beer, ale, and malt liquor. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 864 | Housing and Property |
Relating to secret ballots in a property owners' association election or vote. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 862 | Housing and Property |
Relating to voting methods in a property owners' association election or vote. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 844 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to the expiration of licenses for insurance agents and adjusters. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 852 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Legal Issues Legislative Affairs Municipal and County Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to the disclosure of interested parties by persons contracting with governmental entities and state agencies. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 843 | Health Insurance |
Relating to prompt payment of health care claims, including payment for immunizations, vaccines, and serums. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 836 | Education Health Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to management services for the physical facilities of the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Texas School for the Deaf. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 876 | Education Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to the licensing of insurance agents and adjusters; providing a penalty. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 880 | Agriculture and Food Business and Consumers |
Relating to certain committees and programs to develop the wine industry in this state through the Department of Agriculture. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 875 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of state trust companies. | 03/04/2015 |
SB 900 | Environmental Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to the operation of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 953 | Other |
Relating to an exemption for certain persons who sell signs from the requirement to be licensed as an electrician. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 901 | Labor and Employment |
Relating to the amount of temporary income benefits to which an injured employee is entitled under the workers' compensation system. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 899 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of money services businesses; affecting the prosecution of a criminal offense. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 958 | Business and Consumers Housing and Property Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the authority of the Texas Facilities Commission to manage a construction project at the site of the G. J. Sutton State Office Complex in Bexar County. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 903 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Energy Housing and Property Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to procedures for the management, sale, or lease of certain state-owned real property and the management or collection of related funds, including disputed oil and gas royalties owed to the state. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 956 | Insurance |
Relating to the delivery of personal automobile and residential property insurance policies; adding provisions that may be subject to a criminal penalty. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 957 | Other |
Relating to the regulation of crafted precious metal dealers. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 902 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education Other Technology and Communication |
Relating to the disclosure of certain public information by a public school district. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 913 | Education Energy Environmental Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to energy and water management planning and reporting requirements for state agencies and institutions of higher education. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 926 | Commerce |
Relating to the compelled production of certain customer records by a financial institution. | 03/09/2015 |
SB 978 | Insurance Labor and Employment Other State Agencies |
Relating to public information regarding workers' compensation insurance rate filings. | 03/10/2015 |
SB 979 | Health Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to individual indemnity health insurance. | 03/10/2015 |
SB 988 | Crime Family and Children Issues Health Other Social Issues |
Relating to the prohibited disposition of a decedent's remains by a person charged with certain criminal conduct against the decedent; providing an administrative penalty. | 03/10/2015 |
SB 217 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Housing and Property Legislative Affairs Other State Agencies |
Relating to the self-directed and semi-independent status of certain agencies and to the requirements applicable to, and the oversight of, those agencies. | 03/10/2015 |
SB 1008 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Health Housing and Property Insurance |
Relating to the authority of certain domestic life, health, and accident insurance companies to make investments in mezzanine real estate loans. | 03/10/2015 |
SB 1007 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Executive Branch Housing and Property Other State Agencies |
Relating to the practices and professions regulated by the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board. | 03/10/2015 |
SB 1031 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to a provisional license to practice funeral directing or embalming. | 03/11/2015 |
SB 1032 | Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to authority for certain state employees to work flexible hours and to work from home or other authorized alternative work sites. | 03/11/2015 |
SB 1017 | Business and Consumers Commerce Insurance |
Relating to the decertification of a certified capital company. | 03/11/2015 |
SB 1021 | Housing and Property Insurance |
Relating to reporting requirements for certain unclaimed property. | 03/11/2015 |
SB 1016 | Business and Consumers Commerce Insurance |
Relating to participation in certain programs by, and insurer premium tax credits for investments in, certified capital companies. | 03/11/2015 |
SB 1038 | Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to a study by the General Land Office regarding the feasibility of creating a mechanism by which a governmental entity could acquire small parcels of real property in an area and convey them to a developer in order to ensure the property is developed in compliance with model subdivision rules. | 03/11/2015 |
SB 1023 | Health Labor and Employment State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to the designation of van-only parking spaces for use by persons with disabilities; creating an offense. | 03/11/2015 |
SB 1087 | Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to the definition of, custody of, and access to public information; providing a criminal penalty. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1080 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to determine applicant eligibility for a license and to discipline license holders. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1060 | Insurance Judiciary Other State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of public insurance adjusters. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1089 | Other Technology and Communication Transportation |
Relating to meetings of the board of directors of a regional mobility authority. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1078 | Health Other Recreation State Agencies |
Relating to changing the name of the Medical Advisory Committee appointed by the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation to the Combative Sports Advisory Board. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1106 | Insurance Labor and Employment Other State Agencies |
Relating to the creation of a safety reimbursement program for employers participating in the workers' compensation system. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1097 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Health Insurance State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to payment of and disclosures related to certain out-of-network provider charges; authorizing a fee; providing a penalty. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1094 | Crime Health Insurance |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drugs. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1082 | Other |
Relating to the establishment of an informal preliminary hearing process before the suspension, revocation, or denial of certain occupational licenses as a result of certain criminal convictions. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1075 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Crime State Agencies |
Relating to criminal history record information obtained by the consumer credit commissioner. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1107 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to contingent deferred annuity contracts. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1081 | Business and Consumers Housing and Property Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to the disclosure of certain information under a consolidated insurance program. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1098 | Health Insurance |
Relating to the operation of certain managed care plans with respect to health care providers. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1061 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of secondary market transactions related to the business of life settlements; providing penalties; authorizing fees. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1052 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Health Labor and Employment Military Other State Agencies |
Relating to the consideration of ownership interests of certain persons with disabilities in determining whether a business is a historically underutilized business for purposes of state contracting. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1054 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce State Agencies |
Relating to the preference given by state agencies to goods offered by bidders in this state or manufactured, produced, or grown in this state or in the United States. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1077 | Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to the definition of "person" under the Uniform Commercial Code. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1105 | Crime Insurance Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to fire inspections by the state fire marshal for state-owned and state-leased buildings. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1095 | Insurance Transportation |
Relating to required disclosures regarding named driver automobile insurance policies. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1093 | Insurance |
Relating to credit to certain ceding insurers for reinsurance ceded to certain assuming insurers. | 03/16/2015 |
SB 1141 | Health Labor and Employment Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment and administration of the qualified ABLE program; granting authority to impose a fee. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1228 | Legal Issues |
Relating to authorizing children of Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission employees to be employed by holders of licenses or permits issued by the commission. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1245 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to the use of certain coins and bullion as legal tender. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1166 | Insurance |
Relating to recovery of damages for delay of payment of certain insurance claims. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1664 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Health Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program; authorizing the imposition of fees. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1193 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the deregulation of hair braiding. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1254 | Business and Consumers Commerce Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to transparency in economic development negotiations involving a governmental body and a business prospect. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1227 | Insurance |
Relating to payment of covered claims based on assignment. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1229 | Commerce Health |
Relating to restrictions on the use of credit card payments to settle claims for health care services. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1175 | Labor and Employment |
Relating to judicial review of certain workers' compensation disputes. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1264 | Housing and Property Other |
Relating to the regulation of certain industrialized housing and industrialized buildings. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1133 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Crime Housing and Property Legal Issues Transportation |
Relating to the repossession of an aircraft. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1199 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Education Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to consideration of a bidder's principal place of business by public junior college districts in awarding certain contracts. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1208 | Other State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to the disclosure of personal information contained in motor vehicle records; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1237 | Municipal and County Issues Other Technology and Communication Transportation |
Relating to Internet broadcasts of open meetings held by the policy board of certain metropolitan planning organizations. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1164 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to insurance agents' ownership and use of certain information related to general property and casualty insurance policies; authorizing administrative penalties; adding provisions that may be subject to a criminal penalty. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1174 | Family and Children Issues Insurance |
Relating to the insurance reporting program operated by the Title IV-D agency. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1213 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to prohibiting the reidentification of certain deidentified information and the release of reidentified information; creating a criminal offense; providing a civil penalty. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1244 | Housing and Property |
Relating to property owners' association elections and votes. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1185 | Health Labor and Employment Other |
Relating to a biennial study regarding occupational licensing requirements. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1201 | Housing and Property Legal Issues |
Relating to the value of personal property exempt from seizure by creditors. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1142 | Business and Consumers Commerce Health Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to regulation of discount drug card program operators; authorizing administrative and civil penalties; authorizing fees; expanding a registration requirement. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1197 | Crime Insurance Other Public Services |
Relating to fire investigations by the state fire marshal; creating a criminal offense. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1246 | Insurance Legal Issues State Agencies |
Relating to dispute resolution for certain claims arising under insurance policies issued by the Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plan Association; authorizing fees. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1152 | Other Technology and Communication Transportation |
Relating to meetings of the board of directors of a regional mobility authority. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1231 | Health Insurance |
Relating to the regulation of certain health care provider network contract arrangements. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1168 | Housing and Property |
Relating to the operation of certain property owners' associations, condominium unit owners' associations, and councils of owners. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1251 | Health Other State Agencies |
Relating to the Texas Funeral Service Commission; authorizing fees; providing a criminal penalty. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1161 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to certain purchasing methods by state agencies and local governments. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1196 | Insurance |
Relating to the regulation of funding agreements, guaranteed investment contracts, and synthetic guaranteed investment contracts issued by a life insurer; clarifying certain provisions relating to insurer receivership. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1198 | Legal Issues |
Relating to intra-industry relationships between alcoholic beverage manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1179 | Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues Business and Consumers Commerce Education Housing and Property Other Transportation |
Relating to abolishing certain occupational licensing requirements and associated regulations. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1263 | Business and Consumers Legal Issues |
Relating to the maximum capacity of a container of wine sold to a retail dealer. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1176 | Health Insurance |
Relating to the authority and rights of pharmacy services administrative organizations to conduct the business of independent pharmacies with respect to certain pharmacy benefits. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1203 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to exemptions from the applicability of the Texas Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2009 and other laws applicable to residential mortgage loan originators. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1233 | Business and Consumers Commerce Other |
Relating to authorizing certain distributions of income from a nonprofit corporation to members of the corporation who are certain nonprofit corporations. | 03/17/2015 |
SB 1323 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to fees paid to certain credit services organizations in connection with certain extensions of consumer credit. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1441 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to standards for elevators, escalators, and related equipment; authorizing a fee. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1427 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to authorizing an insurer's deposit of certain money and other assets with the Texas Department of Insurance. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1386 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the sale of beer and ale by certain manufacturers for off-premises consumption. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1349 | Health Insurance |
Relating to coordination of dental benefits under certain insurance policies. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1320 | Commerce Legal Issues |
Relating to the consumption of alcoholic beverages on certain premises; providing a penalty and authorizing a fee. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1443 | Commerce Other State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to the licensing and regulation of auctioneers and associate auctioneers; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty; requiring an occupational license. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1282 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of consumer credit transactions and the regulatory authority of the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1283 | Business and Consumers Commerce Executive Branch Public Services |
Relating to the exemption from certain registration and licensing requirements and taxes for certain businesses and employees who enter this state in response to a disaster or emergency. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1319 | Crime Education Recreation State Agencies |
Relating to requirements for coaches of youth sports programs. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1313 | Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to the names of certain businesses. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1412 | Environmental Housing and Property Other |
Relating to seller's disclosures in connection with residential real property subject to groundwater regulation. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1445 | Executive Branch Health Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to regulation of certain segments of the health care system. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1419 | Other |
Relating to an exemption from the plumbing licensing law for rainwater harvesting by a property owner. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1442 | Other |
Relating to the standards for boiler inspection agencies. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1428 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes State Agencies |
Relating to the use of silver and gold coins as legal tender. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1346 | Health Other |
Relating to the regulation of occupations by this state. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1392 | Business and Consumers Commerce Other Transportation |
Relating to service contracts, vehicle protection products and loss damage waivers for heavy equipment; requiring an occupational license; expanding the applicability of an occupational license. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1344 | Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the removal of a tenant's personal property after a writ of possession has been issued in an eviction suit. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1435 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to a prohibition on vendor contact with a member of the board of trustees of an independent school district during the procurement process. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1367 | Housing and Property |
Relating to certain obligations of and limitations on landlords. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1318 | Legal Issues Municipal and County Issues Transportation |
Relating to the local regulation of distance requirements for the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages near public transportation stops. | 03/18/2015 |
SB 1485 | Health Other |
Relating to the availability of death records of unidentified persons. | 03/19/2015 |
SB 1455 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Crime Education Executive Branch Judiciary Legislative Affairs State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to certain required reports, plans, and other documents prepared by state agencies and institutions of higher education. | 03/19/2015 |
SB 1487 | Other |
Relating to the licensing and regulation of a journeyman lineman. | 03/19/2015 |
SB 1478 | Health Insurance Legislative Affairs State Agencies |
Relating to coverage of certain eating disorders as serious mental illnesses under certain group health benefit plans. | 03/19/2015 |
SB 1492 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Labor and Employment Legal Issues State Agencies |
Relating to restrictions on future employment for state officers and employees who participate in a procurement or contract negotiation on behalf of a state agency; creating an offense. | 03/19/2015 |
SB 1460 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the evaluation and ranking of similar offers submitted to a governmental entity for certain construction-related contracts. | 03/19/2015 |
SB 1548 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to licensing and appointment of title insurance escrow officers; changing the limit applicable to a fee; authorizing a fee. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1562 | Health Insurance Legal Issues State Agencies |
Relating to nonpreferred provider claims under a preferred provider benefit plan related to emergency care. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1653 | Business and Consumers Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Crime Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of owners, operators, employees, and independent contractors of sexually oriented businesses to reduce risks to public and occupational health and to prevent human trafficking; requiring an occupational license; imposing fees; providing civil penalties; creating a criminal offense. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1596 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Education |
Relating to authorizing certain private schools to charge fees for processing or handling certain payments or payment transactions. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1535 | Housing and Property |
Relating to procedures to amend a declaration by a property owners association. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1549 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce State Agencies |
Relating to certain administrative procedures and enforcement authority relating to state banks, state trust companies, and bank holding companies. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1519 | Health Insurance |
Relating to notice and appeal of an adverse determination by utilization review agents. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1617 | Business and Consumers Commerce Municipal and County Issues Transportation |
Relating to municipal regulation of passenger transportation for compensation. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1553 | Business and Consumers Commerce Insurance |
Relating to the interests of certain holding companies in certain repair facilities. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1604 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to abolishing the regulation of hair braiding. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1613 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to longevity pay for certain state employees. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1520 | Health Insurance Other State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to transparency of certain information related to certain health benefit plan coverage. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1626 | Education Housing and Property |
Relating to the regulation by a developer of the installation of solar energy devices in a residential subdivision. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1603 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the storage of certain alcoholic beverages by certain permit holders. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1608 | Health Other |
Relating to abolishing certain occupational licensing requirements and associated regulations. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1599 | Labor and Employment Other State Agencies |
Relating to the donation of sick leave by state employees. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1609 | Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to a study on relocating the Legislative Reference Library. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1558 | Health Insurance |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for certain equipment and supplies associated with diabetes treatment. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1503 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to changing the name of the Medical Advisory Committee appointed by the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation to the Combative Sports Advisory Board and allowing the board to address a broader range of issues. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1541 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Executive Branch Other |
Relating to certain reporting requirements for taxable entities. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1638 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to training for state employees, including procurement and contract management training; authorizing fees. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1650 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Military State Agencies |
Relating to credit services organizations and extensions of consumer credit, including extensions of consumer credit facilitated by credit services organizations. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1659 | Insurance |
Relating to the creation of a coverage summary for certain property and casualty insurance policies. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1668 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to an online searchable central grant database. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 788 | Business and Consumers Commerce Health Public Services Technology and Communication |
Relating to requiring direct access to 9-1-1 service from certain telephone systems and equivalent systems that use Internet Protocol enabled services. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1555 | Other Transportation |
Relating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1550 | Business and Consumers Commerce Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the provision of bags to customers of a business at the point of sale. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1628 | Housing and Property Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to insurance claims and certain prohibited acts and practices in or in relation to the business of insurance. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1652 | Legal Issues |
Relating to allowing the holder of a brewpub license to sell beer, ale, and malt liquor to certain wholesalers, distributors, and qualified persons outside the state. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1678 | Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to at-will state employment. | 03/23/2015 |
SCR 30 | Legislative Affairs State Agencies |
Directing the Texas Facilities Commission to rename the State Insurance Building Annex in the Capitol Complex the John G. Tower State Office Building. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1700 | Other |
Relating to the regulation of crafted precious metal dealers; creating a criminal offense. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1649 | Health Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to the duties and powers of the office of public insurance counsel concerning the adequacy of networks offered in this state by managed care plans. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1651 | Family and Children Issues Health Legal Issues |
Relating to the employment of persons under 18 years of age on the premises of certain businesses selling or serving alcoholic beverages; adding a provision that is subject to a criminal penalty. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1654 | Health Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to the standard valuation for life insurance, accident and health insurance, and annuities and the nonforfeiture requirements of certain life insurance policies; amending provisions that may be subject to a criminal penalty. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1554 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of rates for certain personal automobile insurance. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1585 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Health Public Services Senior Issues |
Relating to a study on the feasibility of establishing a prepaid investment plan or other product to help citizens of this state finance and access residential care. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1572 | Health Labor and Employment |
Relating to submission of reports by a physician assistant under the workers' compensation system. | 03/23/2015 |
SB 1754 | Commerce Health |
Relating to advertising by certain licensed freestanding emergency medical care facilities; providing an administrative penalty. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 1789 | Business and Consumers Commerce Legal Issues |
Relating to the authority of certain holders of a wine and beer retailer's permit to manufacture and sell wine and engage in certain related activities. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 1778 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Other |
Relating to photo identification requirements for certain stored value card purchases. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 1758 | Insurance |
Relating to the panel of experts appointed to advise the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 1774 | Health Insurance |
Relating to the definition of serious mental illness for purposes of certain group health benefit plans. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 1755 | Insurance Transportation |
Relating to named driver insurance policies and certain related exclusions. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 1765 | Insurance Legal Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to provisional authority for certain individual insurance license applicants to act as insurance agents; authorizing a fee; requiring an occupational provisional permit. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 1767 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Crime Education Executive Branch Judiciary State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to certain required reports, plans, and other documents prepared by state agencies and institutions of higher education. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 1829 | State Agencies |
Relating to printing requirements for state agencies. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1916 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce |
Relating to the escheat of United States savings bonds. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1878 | Other Science and Medical Research State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to a study on the feasibility of implementing more secure access requirements for certain electronically stored information held by the state. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1950 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to the fee imposed on certain property owners by a county for the establishment of street lights along a county road. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1957 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Housing and Property |
Relating to the payment of property taxes through the use of property tax loans or other means. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1812 | Housing and Property State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to transparency in the reporting and public availability of information regarding eminent domain authority; providing a civil penalty. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1852 | Housing and Property Other |
Relating to the adoption of an amendment procedure for restrictive covenants affecting real property in certain residential subdivisions. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1956 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Housing and Property |
Relating to property tax lenders and property tax loans. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1946 | Insurance Labor and Employment Other |
Relating to the application of the open meetings and public information laws to the Texas Mutual Insurance Company. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1841 | Immigration Labor and Employment Other |
Relating to the verification of employment authorization by governmental entities, state contractors, and state grant recipients, including the use of the federal E-verify program. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1995 | Health Insurance Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of a health care pilot program for low-income individuals. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1973 | Business and Consumers Commerce Legal Issues |
Relating to the names of certain businesses. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1851 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the premises covered by mixed beverage permits for certain county-owned facilities. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1877 | Labor and Employment Science and Medical Research State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the development and maintenance by each state agency of a data use agreement for the state agency's employees and to training related to that agreement. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1820 | Business and Consumers Other Transportation |
Relating to the exemption of certain vehicles from towing regulations. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1830 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce State Agencies |
Relating to the use of a credit or charge card by certain state agencies to make certain purchases. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1844 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education Legislative Affairs State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the establishment and functions of the Interagency Data Transparency Commission. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1845 | State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to employment of a statewide data coordinator in the Department of Information Resources. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1997 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Housing and Property |
Relating to the authority of a property owner to enter into a property tax loan if the property is already subject to a lien securing such a loan. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1915 | Housing and Property |
Relating to the provision of certain information by a seller of residential real property to a buyer of residential real estate. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 1988 | Housing and Property |
Relating to a leasehold or other possessory interest in real property granted by a public facility corporation for a public facility. | 03/25/2015 |
SB 2003 | Health Insurance Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for ovarian cancer screening. | 03/30/2015 |
HB 1219 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to a provisional license to practice funeral directing or embalming; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty. | 04/21/2015 |
HB 1853 | Housing and Property |
Relating to the removal of a tenant's personal property after a writ of possession has been issued in an eviction suit. | 04/23/2015 |
HB 1221 | Environmental Housing and Property Other |
Relating to seller's disclosures in connection with residential real property subject to groundwater regulation. | 04/23/2015 |
HB 1077 | Other |
Relating to the membership of the Electrical Safety and Licensing Advisory Board. | 04/23/2015 |
HB 2052 | Business and Consumers Commerce Other Transportation |
Relating to loss damage waivers in connection with the rental of certain heavy equipment; providing penalties. | 04/23/2015 |
HB 1771 | Labor and Employment Other State Agencies |
Relating to the donation of sick leave by state employees. | 04/23/2015 |
HB 2145 | Insurance Legal Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to provisional authority for certain individual insurance license applicants to act as insurance agents; authorizing a fee; requiring an occupational provisional permit; adding provisions that may be subject to a criminal penalty. | 04/23/2015 |
HB 2022 | Business and Consumers Legal Issues |
Relating to the maximum capacity of a container of wine sold to a retail dealer; amending a provision subject to a criminal penalty. | 04/23/2015 |
HB 601 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the premises covered by mixed beverage permits for certain county-owned facilities. | 04/27/2015 |
HB 2394 | Commerce |
Relating to the compelled production of certain customer records by a financial institution. | 04/27/2015 |
HB 2813 | Health Insurance Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for ovarian cancer screening. | 04/27/2015 |
HB 2481 | Commerce Other State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to the licensing and regulation of auctioneers, associate auctioneers, and auctions; requiring an occupational license; requiring a fee. | 04/27/2015 |
HB 2491 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to licensing and appointment of title insurance escrow officers; changing the limit applicable to a fee; authorizing a fee. | 04/28/2015 |
HB 2213 | Business and Consumers Other Transportation |
Relating to the tow rotation list in certain counties. | 04/28/2015 |
HB 2133 | Health Insurance |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for certain equipment and supplies associated with diabetes treatment. | 04/28/2015 |
HB 824 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages to customers of a package store during certain hours. | 04/28/2015 |
HB 1049 | Education Health |
Relating to the classification of licensed massage therapy programs as postsecondary education programs. | 04/28/2015 |
HB 2717 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the deregulation of hair braiding. | 04/28/2015 |
HB 3536 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes State Agencies |
Relating to the appointment of the commissioners of certain financial regulatory agencies by the Finance Commission of Texas. | 04/30/2015 |
HB 3741 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to standards for elevators, escalators, and related equipment; authorizing a fee. | 04/30/2015 |
HB 1964 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to certain convention center hotel projects. | 04/30/2015 |
HB 1912 | State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to employment of a statewide data coordinator in the Department of Information Resources. | 04/30/2015 |
HB 3315 | Recreation State Agencies |
Relating to changing the name of the Medical Advisory Committee appointed by the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation to the Combative Sports Advisory Board and allowing the board to address a broader range of issues. | 04/30/2015 |
HB 3091 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the standards for boiler inspection agencies. | 04/30/2015 |
HB 2066 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Housing and Property |
Relating to the rescission of nonjudicial foreclosure sales. | 04/30/2015 |
HB 685 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Municipal and County Issues Other Technology and Communication |
Relating to the production of public information under the public information law. | 04/30/2015 |
HB 2167 | Crime Education Other Science and Medical Research Technology and Communication |
Relating to certain images captured by an unmanned aircraft. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2339 | Legal Issues Recreation |
Relating to consumption of alcoholic beverages in public entertainment facilities. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 3911 | Health Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to the appointment by insurers, health maintenance organizations, and their agents of holders of a temporary agent's license. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 104 | Other |
Relating to the practice of barbering and cosmetology at certain events. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 3555 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce State Agencies |
Relating to certain administrative procedures and enforcement authority relating to state banks, state trust companies, and bank holding companies. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2000 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the purchase of certain commodity items by an entity other than a state agency. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 1890 | State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the development and implementation of a statewide strategy for legacy system modernization. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 1184 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Energy Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to authorizing certain utility cost savings and alternative fuel programs as eligible for local government energy savings performance contracts. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 578 | Other |
Relating to an exemption from the cosmetologist licensing law for persons who provide certain services at a special event. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2439 | Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to inspections and other activities conducted by engineers in connection with the issuance of certain windstorm and hail insurance; authorizing a fee. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 3707 | State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to cloud computing services. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2296 | Legal Issues Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to regulation by a municipality of the possession of an open container or the public consumption of alcoholic beverages. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 1454 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Housing and Property Other State Agencies |
Relating to notice, reporting, and records requirements for holders of certain personal property that is or may be presumed abandoned. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2735 | Legal Issues Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages in certain areas annexed by a municipality. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 3742 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to determine applicant eligibility for a license. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 3014 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes State Agencies |
Relating to the administration of "pay for success" contracts for state agencies. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2134 | Other Technology and Communication |
Relating to allowing a governmental body to request clarification of a request for public information by electronic mail. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2494 | Commerce Other State Agencies |
Relating to the licensing and regulation of associate auctioneers; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty; requiring an occupational license. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 311 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Housing and Property |
Relating to an executory contract for the conveyance of real property; providing a civil penalty. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2533 | Environmental Legal Issues |
Relating to the repeal of an offense prohibiting offensive noise on a premises covered by an alcoholic beverage license or permit. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2771 | Crime Health Labor and Employment Public Services |
Relating to employment activities of certain emergency response personnel for purposes of the Texas Workers' Compensation Act. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 574 | Health Insurance |
Relating to the operation of certain managed care plans with respect to certain physicians and health care providers; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 3132 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Other |
Relating to eligibility requirements to act as a financial adviser or investment adviser in relation to certain public securities. | 05/04/2015 |
HB 2464 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the transfer of a plumber's license on the retirement or death of the plumber. | 05/05/2015 |
HB 2255 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of plumbing. | 05/05/2015 |
HB 2049 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Legal Issues Municipal and County Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to indemnification and duties of engineers and architects under certain governmental contracts. | 05/05/2015 |
HB 512 | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Labor and Employment Legal Issues |
Relating to waiver of immunity in certain employment discrimination actions in connection with a workers' compensation claim. | 05/05/2015 |
HB 786 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the right of a public employee to express breast milk in the workplace. | 05/05/2015 |
HB 3872 | Education Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to licensing requirements, including continuing education requirements for insurance agents, insurance adjusters, and public adjusters. | 05/05/2015 |
HB 1832 | Labor and Employment Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the requirements for and confidentiality of state agency continuity of operations plans. | 05/05/2015 |
HB 2035 | Immigration Legal Issues Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to regulation by certain alcohol-related businesses based on the amount of alcohol sold. | 05/05/2015 |
HB 1379 | Health Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to the standard valuation for life insurance, accident and health insurance, and annuities and the nonforfeiture requirements of certain life insurance policies; amending provisions that may be subject to a criminal penalty. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 909 | Education Family and Children Issues Legal Issues |
Relating to the tasting of alcoholic beverages by students enrolled in certain courses. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 1348 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the approval of certain alcoholic beverages by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 1039 | Legal Issues |
Relating to the sale by package stores of containers of liquor with a capacity of less than six fluid ounces. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 796 | Education Health Immigration Insurance Labor and Employment |
Relating to the purchase of certain insurance coverage and the performance of related risk management services for the Texas State University System and the component institutions of that system. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 2358 | Business and Consumers Commerce Executive Branch Public Services |
Relating to the exemption from certain registration and licensing requirements and taxes for certain businesses and employees who enter this state in response to a disaster or emergency. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 804 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Other Transportation |
Relating to the forms of payment that the operator of a vehicle storage facility must accept. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 482 | Legal Issues |
Relating to allowing the holder of a brewpub license to sell beer, ale, and malt liquor to certain wholesalers, distributors, and qualified persons outside the state. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 2541 | Health Insurance Public Services |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage of certain treatments for enrollees diagnosed with a terminal illness; authorizing administrative and civil penalties. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 2261 | Business and Consumers Commerce Housing and Property |
Relating to the transfer or termination of certain timeshare interests. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 2706 | Housing and Property Legal Issues |
Relating to the value of personal property exempt from seizure by creditors. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 2879 | Environmental Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to a study by the General Land Office regarding the feasibility of creating a mechanism by which a governmental entity could acquire small parcels of real property in an area and convey them to a developer in order to ensure the property is developed in compliance with model subdivision rules. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 1094 | Crime Health Labor and Employment |
Relating to workers' compensation death benefit eligibility for certain spouses of first responders killed in the line of duty. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 3342 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Family and Children Issues State Agencies |
Relating to interstate compacts and cooperative agreements relating to state purchasing. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 1317 | Health Labor and Employment State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to a report on laws, standards, and policies regarding parking for persons with disabilities to be prepared by the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities. | 05/06/2015 |
HB 1936 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Housing and Property |
Relating to notice by a property owner to a mortgage servicer that the owner intends to enter into a contract with a property tax lender. | 05/07/2015 |
HB 1588 | Commerce Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to the validity of certain timeshare interests. | 05/07/2015 |
HB 2839 | Other Public Services Technology and Communication |
Relating to the production of public information under the public information law. | 05/07/2015 |
HB 3357 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other Technology and Communication |
Relating to permitted methods for certain political subdivisions to post notice of a meeting. | 05/07/2015 |
HB 2681 | Housing and Property |
Relating to information required in a notice of sale of real property under contract lien. | 05/07/2015 |
HB 3910 | Education Insurance Other |
Relating to completion of continuing education requirements for insurance agents and adjusters. | 05/07/2015 |
HB 1486 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to a prohibition on a vendor contact with a member of the board of trustees of certain independent school districts during the procurement process. | 05/07/2015 |
HB 2424 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Crime Housing and Property Insurance Transportation |
Relating to fees paid to the Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority. | 05/07/2015 |
HB 2466 | Labor and Employment |
Relating to the creation of a safety reimbursement program for employers participating in the workers' compensation system. | 05/07/2015 |
HB 1743 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce State Agencies |
Relating to the use of a credit or charge card by certain state agencies to make certain purchases. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 367 | Arts and Humanities Legal Issues Recreation |
Relating to consumption of alcoholic beverages in certain entertainment facilities. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 831 | Commerce Housing and Property |
Relating to disclosure of home mortgage information to a surviving spouse. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 2063 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Housing and Property |
Relating to the recording and effective date of certain documents relating to nonjudicial foreclosure sales. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 394 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Housing and Property Other Senior Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to the information in ad valorem tax appraisal records that may not be posted on the Internet by an appraisal district. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 2505 | Crime Health Insurance |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drugs. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 763 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to a petition to a state agency for adoption of rules. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 1621 | Health Insurance |
Relating to utilization review and notice and appeal of certain adverse determinations by utilization review agents. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 4011 | Crime Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues Other Public Services |
Relating to reporting and monitoring requirements related to fire protection sprinkler systems in residential high-rise buildings. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 483 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Other State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment and administration of a state bullion depository; authorizing fees. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 996 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education Labor and Employment |
Relating to the effect of certain agreements with a collective bargaining organization on certain state-funded public work contracts. | 05/11/2015 |
HB 1514 | Health Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to health insurance identification cards issued by qualified health plan issuers. | 05/12/2015 |
HB 2489 | Housing and Property |
Relating to regulation by a property owners' association of residential leases or rental agreements. | 05/12/2015 |
HB 939 | Housing and Property Other |
Relating to unenforceable restrictive covenants regarding standby electric generators affecting residential homes. | 05/12/2015 |
HB 1830 | Gambling and Gaming Legal Issues Municipal and County Issues Recreation |
Relating to the regulation of amusement redemption machine game rooms. | 05/12/2015 |
HB 1542 | Commerce Municipal and County Issues Public Services State Agencies Technology and Communication Transportation |
Relating to the use of digital message display systems in certain public facilities. | 05/12/2015 |
HB 1169 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Other |
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information in the possession of an appraisal district; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty. | 05/12/2015 |
HB 1295 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Legal Issues Legislative Affairs Municipal and County Issues Other Science and Medical Research State Agencies |
Relating to the disclosure of research, research sponsors, and interested parties by persons contracting with governmental entities and state agencies. | 05/12/2015 |
HB 2776 | Insurance State Agencies |
Relating to certain premium discounts and rating programs for certain residential property insurance policies. | 05/12/2015 |
HB 1072 | Crime Housing and Property |
Relating to the eligibility of certain persons to serve on the board of a property owners' association. | 05/13/2015 |
HB 2511 | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Commerce Crime Executive Branch |
Relating to the creation of the human trafficking prevention business partnership. | 05/13/2015 |
HB 3024 | Health Insurance |
Relating to coordination of dental benefits under certain insurance policies. | 05/13/2015 |
HB 1629 | Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to crowdfunding portal regulations for small business development. | 05/13/2015 |
HB 3601 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes State Agencies |
Relating to the payment of interest by state agencies. | 05/13/2015 |
HB 4069 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of barbering and cosmetology. | 05/13/2015 |
HB 3982 | Legal Issues |
Relating to solicitation of a person to buy drinks for consumption by an alcoholic beverage retailer or the retailer's employee; authorizing a civil penalty; amending a provision that is subject to a criminal penalty. | 05/13/2015 |
HB 1628 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Other State Agencies |
Relating to authorizing a credit union or other financial institution to conduct savings promotion raffles. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 3938 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Insurance |
Relating to single premium term life insurance offered in connection with certain consumer loans. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 2067 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Housing and Property Legal Issues |
Relating to the rescission or waiver of an acceleration of the maturity date of certain debt secured by a lien on real property. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 3438 | Housing and Property State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the transfer of surplus or salvage state agency property. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 1881 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Education |
Relating to authorizing certain private schools to charge fees for processing or handling certain payments or payment transactions. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 2891 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Executive Branch Other |
Relating to certain filing and reporting requirements for certain taxable entities. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 1733 | Insurance |
Relating to automobile liability insurance for transportation network company drivers. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 855 | State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the compatibility of state agency websites with certain devices and Internet browsers. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 3028 | Business and Consumers Commerce Health Insurance Other State Agencies |
Relating to regulation of certain conduct by discount health care program operators, or concerning discount health care programs, that relates to prescription drugs or prescription drug benefits; authorizing administrative and civil penalties. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 2473 | Commerce Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to establishing a grant program in the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to assist certain organizations that make residential mortgage loans to residents of certain neighborhoods. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 1532 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legal Issues Legislative Affairs State Agencies |
Relating to quarterly reporting of political contributions and expenditures by certain candidates, officeholders, and political committees; adding provisions subject to a criminal penalty. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 2076 | Business and Consumers Commerce Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues Recreation Transportation |
Relating to notice requirements and other procedures relating to the possession or sale of a motor vehicle, motorboat, vessel, or outboard motor by a possessory lienholder. | 05/14/2015 |
HB 2391 | Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to the redemption of certain stored value cards, including gift cards, for cash. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 283 | Education Municipal and County Issues Other Technology and Communication |
Relating to the requirement that certain governmental bodies make audio and video recordings of open meetings available on the Internet. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 2634 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Housing and Property Public Services |
Relating to the construction manager-at-risk used by a governmental entity. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 3190 | Housing and Property |
Relating to the authority of certain persons to direct, consent to, or disapprove a trustee's decisions. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 852 | Other State Agencies |
Relating to the creation of a joint interim committee to study and make recommendations regarding the storage of biometric identifiers. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 1132 | Health Insurance |
Relating to the regulation of certain policy forms used for insuring certain large risks. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 3439 | Housing and Property Other State Agencies |
Relating to the donation of property from a state agency to an assistance organization or a local governmental entity. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 3248 | Education Other State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to state agency procedures and policies to protect and properly destroy certain information that identifies an individual. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 411 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Technology and Communication |
Relating to prohibiting certain telemarketing calls by a credit access business; adding a provision subject to criminal penalties. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 2493 | State Agencies |
Relating to the self-directed and semi-independent status of the State Securities Board; authorizing fees. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 3089 | Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues Other Public Services |
Relating to fire protection sprinkler systems in certain residential high-rise buildings in certain counties; creating a criminal offense. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 3043 | Other |
Relating to the licensing and regulation of a journeyman lineman. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 3787 | Housing and Property Insurance |
Relating to a claim filing period and contractual limitations period in certain property insurance policies. | 05/15/2015 |
HB 1624 | Health Insurance Other State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to transparency of certain information related to certain health benefit plan coverage. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 2404 | Housing and Property |
Relating to certain security devices for residential tenancies. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 3920 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce |
Relating to financing arrangements between political subdivisions and private entities for the implementation of pay for success initiatives. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 3150 | Labor and Employment |
Relating to the calculation of taxable wages paid by a professional employer organization for purposes of the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 3940 | Insurance Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to extending claim-handling deadlines after certain emergency declarations. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 1754 | Business and Consumers Commerce Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to the conveyance of property by a municipality for the public purpose of economic development. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 1639 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Housing and Property Military Municipal and County Issues Transportation |
Relating to providing information to the public and to purchasers of real property regarding the impact of military installations. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 2720 | Legal Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to abolishing shampoo apprentice permits and shampoo specialty certificates. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 1332 | Housing and Property Judiciary Legal Issues |
Relating to the notice to vacate required to be given by a landlord to a tenant before filing an eviction suit. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 799 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Legislative Affairs State Agencies |
Relating to a study conducted by the Legislative Budget Board on the impact to state agencies of federal regulations and mandates enacted by federal law. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 2475 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of the center for alternative finance and procurement within the Texas Facilities Commission and to public and private partnerships; authorizing a fee. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 1585 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to the use of hotel occupancy tax revenue in certain municipalities. | 05/18/2015 |
HB 3750 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Executive Branch Housing and Property Legislative Affairs Other Public Services State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to interim studies on real property owned by the state. | 05/19/2015 |
HB 3901 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Crime Housing and Property Legal Issues Transportation |
Relating to the repossession of an aircraft. | 05/19/2015 |
HB 2919 | Energy Environmental Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to an energy efficiency pilot program for state-owned buildings operated by the Texas Facilities Commission. | 05/19/2015 |
HB 1626 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce State Agencies |
Relating to the designation of certain areas as banking or credit union development districts to encourage the establishment of branches of banks or credit unions in those areas. | 05/20/2015 |
HB 3308 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of state trust companies. | 05/20/2015 |
HB 599 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education Energy State Agencies |
Relating to energy savings performance contracts entered into by public institutions of higher education. | 05/20/2015 |
HB 3052 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Environmental |
Relating to the allocation of state hotel occupancy tax revenue to certain barrier island coastal municipalities. | 05/20/2015 |
HB 838 | Health Insurance |
Relating to coverage for serious mental illness under certain group health benefit plans. | 05/20/2015 |
HB 3237 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Health Housing and Property Insurance |
Relating to the authority of certain domestic life, health, and accident insurance companies to make certain investments; adding provisions that may be subject to a criminal penalty. | 05/20/2015 |
HB 2219 | Health Insurance Social Issues State Agencies |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for injuries related to certain conduct of a covered individual. | 05/20/2015 |
HCR 26 | Resolutions |
Urging the United States Congress to repeal the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. | 05/21/2015 |
HB 335 | Insurance Transportation |
Relating to named driver insurance policies and certain related exclusions. | 05/21/2015 |
HB 3660 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Housing and Property |
Relating to low income housing tax credits awarded to at-risk developments. | 05/21/2015 |
HB 3522 | Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to photo identification requirements for certain stored value card purchases. | 05/21/2015 |
HB 2392 | Commerce Energy Environmental State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of a residential energy efficiency loan program. | 05/21/2015 |
HB 1265 | Business and Consumers Commerce Crime Insurance |
Relating to a deceptive act or practice involving a solicitation in connection with a good or service or involving the production, sale, distribution, or promotion of certain synthetic substances. | 05/21/2015 |
The Texas Legislative Guide was designed and developed by Becca Aaronson, Emily Albracht, Daniel Craigmile, Annie Daniel, Ben Hasson and Ryan Murphy for The Texas Tribune. The Tribune is a nonpartisan, nonprofit media organization that promotes civic engagement and discourse on public policy, politics, government and other matters of statewide concern.