State Representative (D)
House Committee
State Representative (D)
State Representative (D)
Bill | Category | Caption | Date Referred to Committee |
HB 77 | Family and Children Issues Health Other Social Issues |
Relating to a study of the Dallas Men Against Abuse program and other activities in the Dallas community addressing family violence. | 02/09/2015 |
HB 352 | Crime Health Other Public Services |
Relating to the drug testing of certain persons seeking benefits under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. | 02/12/2015 |
HB 493 | Agriculture and Food Family and Children Issues Health Public Services Welfare and Poverty |
Relating to prohibiting the purchase of energy drinks under the supplemental nutrition assistance program. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 526 | Health Public Services |
Relating to financial eligibility for the Texas home living (TxHmL) waiver program. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 570 | Agriculture and Food Health Labor and Employment Public Services Welfare and Poverty |
Relating to the eligibility of certain persons for the supplemental nutrition assistance program. | 02/18/2015 |
HB 550 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Crime Family and Children Issues Health Insurance Labor and Employment Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the provision of health and human services in this state, including the powers and duties of the Health and Human Services Commission and other state agencies, and the licensing of certain health professionals; clarifying certain statutory provisions; authorizing the imposition of fees. | 02/18/2015 |
HB 620 | Agriculture and Food Health Public Services |
Relating to electronic benefits transfer cards used for recipients of benefits under certain assistance programs. | 02/19/2015 |
HB 418 | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Crime Family and Children Issues Health State Agencies |
Relating to child victims of trafficking who are placed in secure foster homes. | 02/19/2015 |
HB 607 | Health Labor and Employment Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the creation of the State Supported Living Center Realignment Commission. | 02/19/2015 |
HB 656 | Family and Children Issues Health State Agencies |
Relating to the payment of foster care costs. | 02/19/2015 |
HB 788 | Education Family and Children Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the regulation of certain child-care facilities; increasing a fee. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 840 | Agriculture and Food Crime Family and Children Issues Health Public Services |
Relating to the eligibility of certain persons for the supplemental nutrition assistance program. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 781 | Family and Children Issues State Agencies |
Relating to caregiver screening and training by substitute care providers for children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 747 | Agriculture and Food Health Public Services |
Relating to electronic benefits transfer cards used for recipients of benefits under certain assistance programs. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 1041 | Health Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to administrative and judicial review of certain Medicaid reimbursement disputes; authorizing a fee. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 993 | Family and Children Issues Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to employee caseload standards for child and adult protective services and child-care licensing services and call processing standards for certain of those services. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 967 | Health Other Public Services Senior Issues |
Relating to a pilot project to evaluate the use of radio frequency identification technology to transmit information regarding residents of certain group homes. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 1069 | Health Labor and Employment Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to services for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing and certification requirements for interpreters for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing; providing an administrative penalty; requiring a fee and changing the rate of a fee; requiring an occupational certification. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 841 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Health Social Issues |
Relating to the health professions resource center; increasing a fee. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 1259 | Agriculture and Food Labor and Employment Public Services |
Relating to the work requirements of the supplemental nutrition assistance program. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1267 | Agriculture and Food Crime Public Services |
Relating to the eligibility of certain persons for the supplemental nutrition assistance program. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1260 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Health Labor and Employment Senior Issues |
Relating to creation by rule of the Department of Aging and Disability Services of a schedule of support services a state supported living center may provide and procedures for establishing applicable fees for those services. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1258 | Agriculture and Food Family and Children Issues Health Public Services |
Relating to the eligibility for supplemental nutrition assistance benefits for certain persons who owe delinquent child support. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1268 | Family and Children Issues State Agencies |
Relating to monetary assistance by the Department of Family and Protective Services provided to foster parents and relative or designated caregivers for day-care services. | 03/04/2015 |
HB 1678 | Health Labor and Employment Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities. | 03/04/2015 |
HB 679 | Family and Children Issues Health Housing and Property Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to a study on homeless youth. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1333 | Commerce Family and Children Issues |
Relating to a request for a customer record of a financial institution for guardianship purposes. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1337 | Family and Children Issues Health Labor and Employment Senior Issues |
Relating to requiring institutions and assisted living facilities to maintain guardianship orders of residents. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 873 | Health Labor and Employment Public Services State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the publication of certain information regarding the vocational rehabilitation program on the Internet. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1104 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Family and Children Issues Health Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues Social Issues |
Relating to exempting the procurement of services for victims of family violence from competitive bidding requirements. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 843 | Family and Children Issues Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to housing services provided through the transitional living services program to certain children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1093 | Health Public Services |
Relating to transparency in the STAR Medicaid managed care rate-setting process. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1679 | State Agencies |
Relating to the continuation of the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1393 | Health Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of a home and community-based services program under Medicaid for certain persons with severe and persistent mental illness. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1541 | Health Public Services |
Relating to peer specialists, peer services, and the provision of those services under the medical assistance program. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1680 | Executive Branch Health |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Health Services Authority as a quasi-governmental entity and the electronic exchange of health care information. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 2463 | Health Labor and Employment Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the continuation of the functions of the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services and certain other functions. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1395 | Crime Family and Children Issues Health Social Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the protection of certain children through the operation of the child safety check alert list. | 03/10/2015 |
HB 1852 | Family and Children Issues Health Other State Agencies |
Relating to certain assessments for children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1873 | Health State Agencies |
Relating to a pilot project to evaluate the use of self-directed mental health services in the integrated Medicaid managed care system. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1880 | Health Reproductive Issues |
Relating to the applicability of adverse licensing, listing, or registration decisions by certain health and human services agencies. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1998 | Health |
Relating to the definition of "non-physician mental health professional" for purposes of the Texas Mental Health Code. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1973 | Agriculture and Food Health Public Services |
Relating to electronic benefits transfer cards used for recipients of benefits under certain assistance programs. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 1989 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Health Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to the abolishment of the Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities and the transfer of its functions to the comptroller of public accounts. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 1769 | Health Other Senior Issues |
Relating to requirements for assisted living facility license applicants. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 1739 | Health Public Services |
Relating to the personal needs allowance for certain Medicaid recipients who are residents of long-term care facilities. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 2084 | Health Insurance Public Services |
Relating to transparency in the rate-setting processes for the Medicaid managed care and child health plan programs. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2070 | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Crime Family and Children Issues Health Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to certain requirements for certain facilities licensed by the Department of Family and Protective Services and the department's enforcement authority. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2048 | Family and Children Issues Health State Agencies |
Relating to the delivery of mental health services and supports under a system of care framework to minors who have or are at risk of developing a serious emotional disturbance or who are at risk of being removed from the minor's home. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2087 | Agriculture and Food Family and Children Issues Health Public Services |
Relating to the development of healthy nutrition and physical activity guidelines for licensed child-care providers, public school teachers, and public school administrators. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 1776 | Agriculture and Food Public Services |
Relating to the abolishment of the interagency task force on electronic benefits transfers. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2130 | Health Legal Issues |
Relating to access to a deceased person's mental health information. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2360 | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Crime Family and Children Issues Health Other |
Relating to the licensing and regulation of certain residential educational child-care facilities serving victims of human trafficking. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2283 | Health Other Public Services |
Relating to entities exempt from regulation as a boarding home facility. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2787 | Health Other |
Relating to authorization for certain health care facilities to secure residents with wheelchair safety belts. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2655 | Family and Children Issues State Agencies |
Relating to requiring the Department of Family and Protective Services to study the effectiveness of the relative and other designated caregiver placement program. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2631 | Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to hazardous duty pay for certain employees working at state supported living centers and state hospitals. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2799 | Family and Children Issues State Agencies |
Relating to home-school education for foster children. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2903 | Family and Children Issues Labor and Employment Other |
Relating to training requirements for certain child-care workers. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 1811 | Education Health Labor and Employment State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to a study of the participation of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities in public higher education. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2039 | Crime Family and Children Issues Health Social Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the exclusion of certain information from the Department of Family and Protective Services central registry of child abuse or neglect cases and the report of certain information regarding those cases to the legislature. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2649 | Family and Children Issues Health State Agencies |
Relating to requiring video recording in certain home and community-based services provider facilities. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 1809 | Education Health Labor and Employment Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to creation of an employment-first task force advisory committee. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2697 | Health Insurance Other |
Relating to services provided by continuing care facilities. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2951 | Health Labor and Employment Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the creation of the State Supported Living Center Realignment Commission. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2666 | Agriculture and Food Public Services |
Relating to the exclusion of certain resources in determining eligibility for the supplemental nutrition assistance program. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2578 | Family and Children Issues Health Other Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the efficiency of and consolidation of powers and duties within the health and human services system. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2718 | Agriculture and Food Health Other Public Services Social Issues |
Relating to a program to allow faith- and community-based organizations to offer supplemental assistance to certain recipients of public assistance. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 600 | Commerce Education Family and Children Issues Health State Agencies |
Relating to child protective services and employees of the Department of Family and Protective Services. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2304 | Family and Children Issues Health Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Health and Human Services Commission and the provision of health and human services in this state. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2638 | Health Public Services Senior Issues |
Relating to reimbursement for complex rehabilitation technology equipment providers under the medical assistance program. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2648 | Family and Children Issues Health State Agencies |
Relating to progressive sanctions for providers of home and community-based services. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2588 | Health Senior Issues |
Relating to disclosures by nursing facilities and assisted living facilities regarding certification or classification to provide specialized care, treatment, or personal care services to residents with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders and the authority of the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission to adopt rules defining those conditions; adding requirements for an occupational license. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2789 | Health Labor and Employment Senior Issues |
Relating to trauma-informed care training for certain employees of state supported living centers and intermediate care facilities. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2433 | Crime Family and Children Issues Health Other Public Services Social Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Family and Protective Services and procedures applicable to suits affecting the parent-child relationship, investigations of child abuse and neglect, and conservatorship of a child; affecting fee amounts and authorizing an administrative penalty. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2699 | Health Public Services Senior Issues |
Relating to the functions and operations of the Department of Aging and Disability Services; increasing penalties. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2542 | Health Labor and Employment Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment and administration of the qualified ABLE program; granting authority to impose a fee. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2711 | Health |
Relating to transportation of an individual with a mental illness by emergency medical services personnel. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2639 | Agriculture and Food Family and Children Issues Health Public Services |
Relating to allowable food purchases under the supplemental nutrition assistance program. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2656 | Family and Children Issues Health Labor and Employment Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the authority of the Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate abuse, neglect, or exploitation of individuals receiving services from certain providers. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2673 | Agriculture and Food Crime Other Public Services |
Relating to the eligibility of certain persons for the supplemental nutrition assistance program. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 3334 | Family and Children Issues State Agencies |
Relating to monetary assistance provided by the Department of Family and Protective Services to certain relatives and designated caregivers. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3410 | Agriculture and Food Crime Health Public Services |
Relating to the authority of the Health and Human Services Commission to employ peace officers. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3322 | Executive Branch Family and Children Issues |
Relating to the regulation of and federal funding for certain child-care providers. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 2510 | Education Health Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of State Health Services, the provision of health services in this state, and the regulation of certain health-related occupations and activities. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 2990 | Crime Health Labor and Employment Senior Issues |
Relating to the authority of the Health and Human Services Commission and the Department of Aging and Disability Services to obtain criminal history record information regarding certain applicants for employment and current employees. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3321 | Health Public Services |
Relating to rules respecting a person's eligibility for medical assistance. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3327 | Executive Branch Family and Children Issues Social Issues |
Relating to a grant program to fund domestic violence high risk teams. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 2683 | Health State Agencies |
Relating to the licensing and regulation of dyslexia practitioners and therapists by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; imposing an administrative penalty; authorizing fees. | 03/18/2015 |
HB 3463 | Agriculture and Food Business and Consumers Commerce Health Public Services |
Relating to a photo identification requirement to use certain state benefits. | 03/18/2015 |
HB 3676 | Legal Issues |
Relating to chemical dependency treatment facilities. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3523 | Health Public Services Senior Issues |
Relating to improving the delivery and quality of Medicaid acute care services and long-term care services and supports. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3655 | Health Public Services |
Relating to a strategy to ensure proper use of money under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3703 | Education Health Labor and Employment |
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program; authorizing the imposition of fees. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 1180 | Family and Children Issues Health Other State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to certain information included on a searchable database on the Department of Family and Protective Services' Internet website. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3678 | Executive Branch Family and Children Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the office of independent ombudsman for the Department of Family and Protective Services. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3658 | Family and Children Issues Labor and Employment Public Services |
Relating to the development and administration of a parent orientation and education pilot program for recipients of subsidized child-care services. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3672 | Health Public Services Social Issues |
Relating to expedited credentialing for certain licensed clinical social workers under the Medicaid managed care program. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 2966 | Legislative Affairs Other Public Services |
Relating to an interim study regarding the identification of health and human services programs that can be privatized. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3551 | Health Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the authorization of health care providers charging a fee for the production of records associated with applications for certain assistance benefits programs. | 03/20/2015 |
SB 219 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Crime Family and Children Issues Health Insurance Labor and Employment Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the provision of health and human services in this state, including the powers and duties of the Health and Human Services Commission and other state agencies, and the licensing of certain health professionals; clarifying certain statutory provisions; authorizing the imposition of fees. | 03/20/2015 |
HB 3023 | Health Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to a provider's right to an administrative hearing on a proposed recoupment of an overpayment or debt by the office of inspector general for the Health and Human Services Commission. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3755 | Health Labor and Employment Senior Issues |
Relating to administration of medication to residents of certain assisted living and boarding home facilities. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3859 | Family and Children Issues Health Public Services |
Relating to exemptions from the application of certain financial assistance eligibility requirements for certain grandparents. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3990 | Health Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the study of the fiscal impact on local governments in Dallas, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro and Rockwall Counties of restructuring the NorthSTAR behavioral health system and the effective implementation the Sunset Commission Health and Human Services Commission Issue 9 recommendation. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3624 | Family and Children Issues Health Labor and Employment |
Relating to authorizing supported decision-making agreements for certain adults with disabilities. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3589 | Family and Children Issues |
Relating to placement of children with certain relatives or other designated caregivers. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 4001 | Health Senior Issues |
Relating to providers of certain home and community support services; authorizing a fee, providing penalties, and requiring an occupational license. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 4119 | Crime Family and Children Issues Social Issues State Agencies |
Relating to investigations of and procedures for reports of child abuse and neglect. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3766 | Business and Consumers Education Health Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program; authorizing the imposition of fees. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 4056 | Executive Branch Health Legislative Affairs Senior Issues |
Relating to inspection procedures in certain long-term care facilities and the creation of a long-term care legislative oversight committee; providing penalties. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 4121 | Family and Children Issues State Agencies |
Relating to service plans and placements for children under the care of the Department of Family and Protective Services. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3971 | Health Labor and Employment Senior Issues |
Relating to the development of neighborhood and community engagement plans for residents of certain group homes. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3022 | Business and Consumers Health Housing and Property Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the construction or development of certain continuing care facilities. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 4013 | Family and Children Issues Health Housing and Property Military Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to studies on homeless veterans and youth. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3076 | Health Public Services Technology and Communication |
Relating to the improvement of efficiencies in benefit applications submitted to the Health and Human Services Commission. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3092 | Family and Children Issues Health Labor and Employment Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of a pilot program to provide protective services to certain persons determined to be at risk of future harm from abuse, neglect, or exploitation. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3126 | Family and Children Issues Health |
Relating to designated emergency infant care providers for certain abandoned children. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3035 | Health Other Public Services |
Relating to a study on the savings to the state achieved by the expansion of Medicaid managed care in regards to the provision of prescription drugs and other pharmacy benefits. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3036 | Health Insurance Other Public Services |
Relating to a study on the savings to the state achieved by the expansion of Medicaid managed care in regards to the number of persons served and the scope of services provided. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3917 | Health Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the recoupment of payments on certain provider claims made under the Medicaid program. | 03/24/2015 |
HCR 84 | Resolutions |
Commending mental health professionals on the occasion of National Mental Health Month. | 03/24/2015 |
HB 3823 | Health Public Services Senior Issues |
Relating to rate-setting and data collection processes under the program of all-inclusive care for the elderly. | 03/27/2015 |
SB 203 | Executive Branch Health |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Health Services Authority as a quasi-governmental entity and the electronic exchange of health care information. | 04/15/2015 |
SB 206 | Crime Family and Children Issues Health Other Public Services Social Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Family and Protective Services and procedures applicable to suits affecting the parent-child relationship, investigations of child abuse and neglect, and conservatorship of a child; affecting fee amounts and authorizing an administrative penalty. | 04/15/2015 |
SB 125 | Family and Children Issues Health Other State Agencies |
Relating to certain assessments for children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. | 04/23/2015 |
SB 1117 | Family and Children Issues Housing and Property State Agencies |
Relating to housing services provided through the transitional living services program to certain children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. | 04/27/2015 |
SB 114 | Health Reproductive Issues |
Relating to the applicability of adverse licensing, listing, or registration decisions by certain health and human services agencies. | 04/29/2015 |
SB 204 | Executive Branch Family and Children Issues Health Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the continuation of the functions of the Department of Aging and Disability Services; increasing penalties. | 04/29/2015 |
SB 277 | Executive Branch Health Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to certain health-related and other task forces and advisory committees. | 04/29/2015 |
SB 200 | Executive Branch Family and Children Issues Health Legislative Affairs Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Health and Human Services Commission and the provision of health and human services in this state. | 04/29/2015 |
SB 212 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Health Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to the abolishment of the Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities and the transfer of its functions to the Texas Workforce Commission. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 304 | Health Senior Issues |
Relating to certain violations committed by long-term care facilities, including violations that constitute the abuse and neglect of residents. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 760 | Health Public Services Senior Issues |
Relating to access and assignment requirements for, support and information regarding, and investigations of certain providers of health care and long-term services. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 1664 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Health Labor and Employment State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program; authorizing the imposition of fees. | 05/01/2015 |
SB 1496 | Crime Family and Children Issues Health State Agencies |
Relating to background checks conducted by the Department of Family and Protective Services for certain child-care providers. | 05/01/2015 |
SB 1881 | Family and Children Issues Health Labor and Employment |
Relating to authorizing supported decision-making agreements for certain adults with disabilities. | 05/01/2015 |
SB 1385 | Health Labor and Employment Public Services Senior Issues |
Relating to the authorization of the imposition of administrative penalties on providers participating in certain Medicaid waiver programs. | 05/01/2015 |
SB 1641 | Family and Children Issues Health Labor and Employment Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of a pilot program to provide protective services to certain persons determined to be at risk of future harm from abuse, neglect, or exploitation. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 59 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Family and Children Issues Health Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues Social Issues |
Relating to an exemption from competitive bidding requirements for the procurement of services for victims of family violence. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 37 | Education Health Labor and Employment State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to requiring the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to collect and study data on the participation of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities at public institutions of higher education. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1129 | Crime Legal Issues State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to the transportation of a person with a mental illness. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1560 | Health |
Relating to the regulation of chemical dependency treatment facilities and certain other facilities. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1540 | Crime Labor and Employment Senior Issues |
Relating to the authority of the Health and Human Services Commission and the Department of Aging and Disability Services to obtain criminal history record information regarding certain applicants for employment and current employees. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 354 | Executive Branch Family and Children Issues Health |
Relating to the transfer to the Health and Human Services Commission of contracting authority for children's advocacy centers and volunteer advocate programs. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1279 | Family and Children Issues Health |
Relating to designated emergency infant care providers for certain abandoned children. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1880 | Family and Children Issues Health Labor and Employment Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the authority of the Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate abuse, neglect, or exploitation of individuals receiving services from certain providers. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1889 | Crime Family and Children Issues Health Social Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the definition of neglect of a child, the exclusion of certain information from the Department of Family and Protective Services central registry of child abuse or neglect cases, and the report of certain information regarding those cases to the legislature. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1999 | Family and Children Issues Health Labor and Employment Senior Issues |
Relating to day activity and health services facilities. | 05/05/2015 |
SB 207 | Agriculture and Food Crime Health Legislative Affairs Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the authority and duties of the office of inspector general of the Health and Human Services Commission. | 05/05/2015 |
SB 1928 | Health Immigration |
Relating to ensuring local governmental and community input in any federal refugee resettlement program established in this state. | 05/11/2015 |
SB 723 | Agriculture and Food Health Public Services |
Relating to mandatory participation in certain TANF employment and other programs by certain persons. | 05/11/2015 |
SB 202 | Executive Branch Health Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the transfer of certain occupational regulatory programs and the deregulation of certain activities and occupations. | 05/14/2015 |
SB 1580 | Family and Children Issues Health Housing and Property Military Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to a study on homeless veterans. | 05/14/2015 |
The Texas Legislative Guide was designed and developed by Becca Aaronson, Emily Albracht, Daniel Craigmile, Annie Daniel, Ben Hasson and Ryan Murphy for The Texas Tribune. The Tribune is a nonpartisan, nonprofit media organization that promotes civic engagement and discourse on public policy, politics, government and other matters of statewide concern.