State Representative (R)
House Committee
State Representative (R)
State Representative (R)
Bill | Category | Caption | Date Referred to Committee |
HB 111 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to providing for voter registration at a polling place during early voting by personal appearance and related procedures. | 02/09/2015 |
HB 76 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to electronic voter registration. | 02/09/2015 |
HB 221 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legal Issues |
Relating to the eligibility of a person to serve as a campaign treasurer of a general-purpose political committee. | 02/10/2015 |
HB 258 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the provision of the reason for rejecting a voter registration application. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 312 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Public Services State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to electronic voter registration. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 446 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to electronic voter registration in certain counties. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 447 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other |
Relating to acceptable forms of identification for voting. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 448 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the registration of voters at a polling place and related procedures. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 134 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Executive Branch State Agencies |
Relating to certain information included with ballot propositions for elections to authorize state and local general obligation bonds. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 444 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Public Services State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to electronic voter registration. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 303 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Other Public Services State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to documentation of proof of identification for voting. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 260 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the provision of the reason for rejecting a voter registration application. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 160 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Commerce Legal Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the use of appropriated money for certain advertisements, notices, or announcements featuring an elected state officer near an election. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 295 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education Other |
Relating to acceptable forms of identification for voting. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 305 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Crime Executive Branch Municipal and County Issues State Agencies |
Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 486 | Legal Issues State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the availability on the Internet of personal financial statements filed by public officials. | 02/12/2015 |
HB 464 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to requiring candidates to pay a filing fee or submit a petition in lieu of a filing fee to appear on the ballot for the general election for state and county officers. | 02/12/2015 |
HB 361 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the uniform election date. | 02/12/2015 |
HB 485 | Legal Issues State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to the availability on the Internet of personal financial statements filed by certain state officeholders. | 02/12/2015 |
HB 484 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the eligibility of a person to be a candidate for or holder of certain public elective offices. | 02/12/2015 |
HB 487 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legal Issues |
Relating to certain restrictions on contributions and expenditures from political funds by a lobbyist; creating a criminal offense. | 02/12/2015 |
HB 420 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to the availability of information from the federal Election Assistance Commission on the secretary of state's Internet website. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 430 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Other Technology and Communication |
Relating to a study on the feasibility of online voting. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 433 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Crime Other |
Relating to qualifications and registration of certain voters on probation. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 429 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education |
Relating to the nonpartisan election of members to the State Board of Education; providing for a fee. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 428 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Family and Children Issues |
Relating to allowing a person who will be 18 years of age on the date of the general election for state and county officers to vote in the preceding primary elections. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 534 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other |
Relating to acceptable forms of identification for voting. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 536 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other Senior Issues Transportation |
Relating to acceptable forms of identification for voting for persons who are 65 years of age or older. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 535 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other |
Relating to acceptable forms of identification for voting. | 02/16/2015 |
HB 622 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to verification of a voter's registration on offering to vote. | 02/19/2015 |
HB 621 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Social Issues |
Relating to the termination of a volunteer deputy registrar appointment. | 02/19/2015 |
HB 675 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to the use of a mobile phone by a person occupying a voting station. | 02/19/2015 |
HB 587 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education Executive Branch Municipal and County Issues State Agencies |
Relating to a voter education program for high school seniors. | 02/19/2015 |
HJR 70 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Family and Children Issues Legislative Affairs Technology and Communication |
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing certain persons under the age of 18 to vote in a primary election. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 732 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the requirements for an official carrier envelope for a ballot to be voted by mail and materials accompanying the official carrier envelope. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 733 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education Military Other |
Relating to acceptable forms of identification for voting. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 220 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legal Issues State Agencies |
Relating to restrictions on the name of a general-purpose political committee; providing a criminal penalty. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 783 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Family and Children Issues |
Relating to allowing a person who will be 18 years of age on the date of the general election for state and county officers to vote in the preceding primary elections. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 816 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legislative Affairs State Agencies |
Relating to creating a criminal offense for a candidate for public office who misrepresents the candidate's residency. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 913 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the requirements pertaining to a ballot to be voted by mail and materials accompanying the official carrier envelope. | 02/25/2015 |
HB 891 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to establishing an interstate voter registration crosscheck program. | 02/25/2015 |
HJR 50 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Family and Children Issues Legislative Affairs Technology and Communication |
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing certain persons under the age of 18 to vote in a primary election. | 02/26/2015 |
HB 1096 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the residence address of a person for purposes of a response to a confirmation notice sent by the registrar. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 947 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the authority of certain political subdivisions to change the date of their general elections. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 954 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Public Services State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to an electronic application for voter registration and a ballot to be voted by mail. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 1026 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to eligibility for appointment as a tabulation supervisor in an election. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 1114 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Education Legal Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the authority with whom certain political committees must file reports of political contributions and expenditures. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 953 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Public Services State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to electronic voter registration. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 1117 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other |
Relating to acceptable forms of identification for voting. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 1266 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the confidentiality of certain information regarding state election inspectors. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1214 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the date of the primary election and related procedures. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1283 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Municipal and County Issues State Agencies |
Relating to a proposition to approve the issuance of bonds or other debt. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1288 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the elimination of straight-party voting. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1198 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to an application for a ballot to be voted by mail. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1177 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the acceptance of a voter at a polling place. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1182 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Executive Branch Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to ballot propositions authorizing political subdivisions to issue bonds. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1452 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the requirements for a person to vote in the precinct of the person's former residence. | 03/04/2015 |
HB 1462 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Crime |
Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses relating to an application for a ballot to be voted by mail; increasing a criminal penalty. | 03/04/2015 |
HB 1327 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education |
Relating to the recall of members of school district boards of trustees. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1308 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the method of returning a ballot to be voted by mail. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1345 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to review of provisional ballots by the early voting ballot board. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1448 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the provision of a voter's thumbprint with a mailed ballot. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1563 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Immigration |
Relating to the procedures for registering to vote. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1659 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to an application for a ballot to be voted by mail. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1555 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the elimination of straight-party voting. | 03/09/2015 |
HJR 86 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education Legislative Affairs |
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing elections for the recall of independent school district trustees. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1499 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other Technology and Communication |
Relating to giving notice of certain information about an election electronically. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1380 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce |
Relating to ballot language for certain propositions to approve actions by a county, city, school district, or other special district. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1632 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to the electronic completion of an application for a ballot to be voted by mail. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1656 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Judiciary Legal Issues State Agencies |
Relating to public financing of campaigns for appellate judicial offices; providing civil penalties. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1615 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the days and hours early voting is conducted at a temporary branch early voting polling place. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1647 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Municipal and County Issues State Agencies Technology and Communication |
Relating to voter information provided by political subdivisions before an election to authorize the issuance of bonds. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1646 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Military Technology and Communication |
Relating to a program allowing certain military voters on active duty overseas to cast a ballot electronically. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1645 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the participation of certain large counties in the countywide polling place program. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1540 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to renewing the application to receive ballots to be voted by mail for certain elections held during a calendar year. | 03/10/2015 |
HB 2021 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to preparation for the conduct of a primary election. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 2028 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the applicability of canceling an application for a ballot to be voted by mail to subsequent elections. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 2029 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the time for qualification for elected office. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 2027 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to establishing precincts for elections held on a uniform election date by certain political subdivisions. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1996 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to holding a primary election for a political party in a county without party leadership. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1927 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to the procedures for applying for a ballot to be voted by mail; creating a criminal offense. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1910 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to requiring the secretary of state to conduct a study of the reasons for the rejection of early voting by mail ballots. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 2158 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the deadline for returning a ballot voted by mail. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 1978 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legal Issues |
Relating to the requirements for a candidate's application for a place on the ballot. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 2163 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to signature verification on an early voting ballot voted by mail. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 1986 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the manner of state financing of primary elections. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 2160 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other |
Relating to the release of election judges' and clerks' contact information. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 1735 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other |
Relating to requests for a list of annual vote-by-mail voters. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 2125 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to multiple methods of voting at the same polling place. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2124 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to use of an electronic device for accepting voters. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2098 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education Executive Branch |
Relating to the requirements for an application to vote an early voting ballot by mail. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2127 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the eligibility of presidential and vice presidential candidates to be placed on the ballot. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2354 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to changing the date of the May uniform election. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2386 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Health Labor and Employment |
Relating to eligibility for early voting by mail. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2382 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to in-person delivery of an application to vote an early voting ballot by mail. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2050 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to voter information provided by a voter registrar to the secretary of state. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2090 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the conduct of primary elections. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2046 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to an election services contract between a county elections administrator and a political party. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2383 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to a permanent request for an early voting ballot. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2371 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Crime Other |
Relating to qualifications and registration of certain voters on parole or mandatory supervision. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2381 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the appointment and duties of election officers. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2227 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to voter registration applications. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2388 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the time for submitting an application for a ballot to be voted by mail. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2387 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to eligibility for early voting by mail. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2356 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the territory that may be included in a single county election precinct. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2226 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to the use of e-mail on a vote by mail application. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2384 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the period in which a person may submit an application to vote an early ballot by mail. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2258 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to requiring a voter to be affiliated with a political party to vote in that party's primary election or otherwise participate in that party's affairs; creating a criminal offense. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2264 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the time for returning mail ballots that were sent to the voter after the time provided by law. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2385 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to a voter's use of an application for a ballot to be voted by mail to update the voter's residence. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2366 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the notation on the precinct list of registered voters that a voter voted early. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2441 | Municipal and County Issues Public Services |
Relating to voting rights and eligibility for office of residents of certain districts subject to a strategic partnership agreement. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2930 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other Senior Issues |
Relating to acceptable forms of identification for voting for certain persons. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2560 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legislative Affairs State Agencies |
Relating to the filing of an application for a place on the general primary election ballot. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2762 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to certain petitions prescribed by law outside the Election Code. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2862 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the participation in the countywide polling place program. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2986 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to recording of minutes for a local canvassing authority. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2725 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the operation of a movable temporary branch polling place during early voting. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2900 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to compliance with federal voting system standards. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2982 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to renewal of an appointment as a voluntary deputy registrar. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2795 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to state compensation of certain political party officers. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2856 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education Other |
Relating to acceptable forms of identification for voting. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2496 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to a filing fee submitted with an application for a place on a ballot. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2520 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Crime |
Relating to restrictions on the political activities of a county clerk who administers elections; creating a criminal offense. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2980 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to the method for submitting an application for voting by mail to the early voting clerk. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2724 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to the method for submitting an application for voting by mail to the early voting clerk. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2721 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Other Technology and Communication |
Relating to public notice of the time for voting during an early voting period. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2948 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the eligibility requirements of deputy voter registrars. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2840 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Military |
Relating to the eligibility of certain citizens residing outside the United States to vote a full ballot. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2956 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to the appointment and training of volunteer deputy registrars. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2925 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the delivery of certain voter registration certificates. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2937 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Immigration Judiciary |
Relating to the cancellation of a person's voter registration on notice that the person has acknowledged that the person is not a citizen. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2888 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the use of a county early voting polling place by a political subdivision. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2315 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education |
Relating to the election date for members of the board of trustees of an independent school district. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2644 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Municipal and County Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to notice given of election precinct boundary changes. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2754 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Judiciary |
Relating to filing requirements for candidates for certain judicial offices. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2960 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Health Other Public Services State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to certain information reported to county voter registrars and to the Department of Public Safety and to the cancellation of a driver's license based on that information. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2775 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to a petition filed in connection with an application for a place on the ballot. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2944 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the deadline for returning a ballot voted by mail. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2953 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the service of a poll watcher in an election. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2987 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to issuance of a receipt for a voter registration application that may be used for the purpose of voting. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2916 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to voter registration offenses; increasing criminal penalties; creating an offense. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2778 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to the elections for which federal postcard applicant voters may be sent ballots by e-mail. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 3395 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the requirement that a candidate appoint a campaign treasurer before making certain expenditures. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3379 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the early voting period. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 1831 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the authority of the attorney general to investigate election-related offenses. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3336 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the date of the primary election runoff. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3369 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to supervision of the conduct of a primary election; creating an offense. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 2889 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Immigration |
Relating to the verification of citizenship of an applicant for voter registration. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 2983 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Public Services State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to the content of a temporary license issued by the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3269 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the participation in the countywide polling place program. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3352 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the dates to provide a ballot by mail to a voter. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 2963 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Education |
Relating to ballot language for a proposition to approve the issuance of bonds by a school district. | 03/18/2015 |
HB 2962 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to ballot language for a proposition to approve the issuance of bonds by a county. | 03/18/2015 |
HB 2961 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to ballot language for a proposition to approve the issuance of bonds by a city. | 03/18/2015 |
HB 3516 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to reimbursement of county expenses for special legislative elections. | 03/18/2015 |
HB 3456 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the composition of a district executive committee of a political party. | 03/18/2015 |
HB 3267 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Other Public Services State Agencies Transportation |
Relating to automatic voter registration on issuance or change of a driver's license or identification card by the Department of Public Safety. | 03/18/2015 |
HB 3604 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to certain filing fees for candidates in a primary election. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3691 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the use of paper ballots in countywide polling places. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3120 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to compensation for attending a training program to become an election judge or clerk in certain elections. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3961 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the suspension of an election judge or clerk. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3056 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the procedures for applying for a ballot to be voted by mail; affecting the prosecution of a criminal offense. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3832 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to voting a limited ballot. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3586 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the deadline for returning a ballot voted by mail. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3786 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other |
Relating to public inspection of provisional voting records. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3902 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to providing a voter in a party primary notice of party conventions. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3059 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to requirements to vote, including presenting proof of identification; providing criminal penalties. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 4060 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legal Issues |
Relating to the awarding of attorney's fees in election contest lawsuits. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3118 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to the canvassing of primary elections. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3805 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to an application for a ballot to be voted by mail. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3779 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Other |
Relating to providing certain persons with resources for notifying the voter registrar of a death and related procedures. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3880 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Judiciary |
Relating to the requirements for placement on a general primary election ballot as a candidate for certain judicial offices. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3878 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to early voting in a primary or general election for state and county officers. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3928 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the location of certain temporary branch early voting polling places. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 4032 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other |
Relating to erecting certain signs on private property before an election. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 4072 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legal Issues Legislative Affairs |
Relating to the award of attorney's fees in an election contest. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3080 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to nonpartisan primary elections; authorizing a fee. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3972 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Education Executive Branch |
Relating to the use of school district buildings as polling place locations. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3138 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the delivery of voter registration applications. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3178 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the assistance of a voter; creating a criminal offense. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3770 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the prosecution of criminal offenses of electioneering near a polling place. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3124 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Health Labor and Employment Legislative Affairs |
Relating to the use of voting stations accessible to persons with disabilities in certain elections. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3140 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the disclosure of certain registration information by the voter registrar. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3684 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Technology and Communication |
Relating to political advertising. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3122 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to ballots counted by the early voting ballot board. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3962 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the time of delivery to the early voting ballot board for ballots voted by mail in certain counties. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3117 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the removal of a precinct or county chair for abandonment of office. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3005 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other Resolutions |
Relating to the deadlines for certain processes and procedures involving an election. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3188 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues Technology and Communication |
Relating to the canvassing of primary elections. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3083 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to posting the location of a polling place used in an election on the secretary of state's website. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3119 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the early voting period in a runoff election. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3159 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Municipal and County Issues Other |
Relating to a contract with a county for election services. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3107 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to statements made by an election officer in a joint primary election. | 03/23/2015 |
HJR 108 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Legislative Affairs Municipal and County Issues Other |
Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting a county or other political subdivision from eliminating offices or changing district boundaries between the primary and general elections. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3034 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the cancellation of a person's voter registration on receipt of a statement from a family member that the person is deceased. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3157 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Other |
Relating to notice of cancellation of elections. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3110 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to information regarding candidates provided by a political party to the secretary of state. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 1703 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Other Resolutions |
Relating to the deadlines for certain processes and procedures involving an election. | 04/29/2015 |
SB 383 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the time of delivery to the early voting ballot board for ballots voted by mail in certain counties. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 795 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to establishing an interstate voter registration crosscheck program. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 1073 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch |
Relating to the requirements for a candidate's application or nomination for a place on the ballot and related procedures. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 431 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Legal Issues |
Relating to the deadline for filing a candidate's personal financial statement. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 1448 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to holding a primary election for a political party in a county without party leadership. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1115 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Military Technology and Communication |
Relating to a program allowing certain military voters on active duty overseas to cast a ballot electronically. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1072 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Labor and Employment Municipal and County Issues |
Relating to the removal of a precinct or county chair for abandonment of office. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 142 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues Executive Branch Technology and Communication |
Relating to the appointment and training of volunteer deputy registrars. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 1779 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the order of candidate names on a runoff expedited election ballot. | 05/05/2015 |
SB 733 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to the authority of certain political subdivisions to change the date of their general elections. | 05/05/2015 |
SB 1034 | Campaign Finance and Election Issues |
Relating to voting by mail, including the cancellation of an application for a ballot to be voted by mail. | 05/11/2015 |
SB 1041 | Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Campaign Finance and Election Issues Commerce Housing and Property |
Relating to required disclosures in and to the length of ballot proposition language authorizing political subdivisions to issue bonds or impose or change a tax. | 05/14/2015 |
The Texas Legislative Guide was designed and developed by Becca Aaronson, Emily Albracht, Daniel Craigmile, Annie Daniel, Ben Hasson and Ryan Murphy for The Texas Tribune. The Tribune is a nonpartisan, nonprofit media organization that promotes civic engagement and discourse on public policy, politics, government and other matters of statewide concern.