State Representative (D)
House Committee
State Representative (D)
State Representative (R)
Bill | Category | Caption | Date Referred to Committee |
HB 269 | Agriculture and Food Business and Consumers Commerce Family and Children Issues Health |
Relating to the establishment of a community development grocery store and healthy corner store revolving loan fund program. | 02/11/2015 |
HB 133 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Environmental Housing and Property |
Relating to the repeal of the additional ad valorem taxes imposed as a result of certain changes in the use of open-space land appraised as agricultural land. | 02/12/2015 |
HB 275 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes |
Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of farm products. | 02/12/2015 |
HB 557 | Agriculture and Food Education |
Relating to the growth or cultivation of industrial hemp for certain research purposes. | 02/18/2015 |
HB 809 | Agriculture and Food Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues Health |
Relating to the composition of and qualifications for appointment to the Texas Animal Health Commission. | 02/23/2015 |
HB 798 | Agriculture and Food |
Relating to a task force to study methods to prevent the theft of desert plants. | 02/26/2015 |
HB 946 | Crime Other Transportation |
Relating to painting and marking requirements for certain meteorological evaluation towers; creating an offense. | 03/02/2015 |
HB 979 | Agriculture and Food Immigration Other |
Relating to a grant program to reduce wait times for agricultural inspections of vehicles at ports of entry along the Texas-Mexico border. | 03/03/2015 |
HB 1202 | Agriculture and Food Family and Children Issues Health State Agencies |
Relating to the creation of the community nutrition program policy advisory council. | 03/04/2015 |
HB 1203 | Agriculture and Food Legal Issues Other |
Relating to limited liability for an agritourism entity involved in an agritourism activity. | 03/04/2015 |
HB 1322 | Agriculture and Food Crime Other |
Relating to industrial hemp; requiring an occupational license; authorizing fees. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1464 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Environmental Public Services Senior Issues State Agencies |
Relating to the procedure for determining that certain land is no longer eligible for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land. | 03/05/2015 |
HB 1616 | Agriculture and Food Family and Children Issues Health Public Services |
Relating to the establishment of a pilot program for the purchase of produce at farmers markets under certain nutritional assistance programs. | 03/09/2015 |
HB 1513 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Environmental Housing and Property |
Relating to the minimum size of a tract of land used to raise or keep bees in order for the tract to be eligible for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. | 03/10/2015 |
HB 1900 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Environmental State Agencies |
Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1848 | Agriculture and Food |
Relating to the perfection and priority of an agricultural lien on an agricultural crop. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1934 | Agriculture and Food Other |
Relating to the Beef Promotion and Research Council of Texas. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1846 | Agriculture and Food Health State Agencies |
Relating to public comments on federal grants and contracts related to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. | 03/11/2015 |
HB 1816 | Agriculture and Food Environmental Other |
Relating to the training requirements for renewal of a private pesticide applicator license. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 2155 | Agriculture and Food Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues |
Relating to the abolition of the equine incentive program. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 1693 | Business and Consumers Commerce Energy Environmental |
Relating to a prohibition on the sale of motor fuel mixed with ethanol; imposing civil and criminal penalties. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 1696 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Business and Consumers Commerce Other Transportation |
Relating to the sale or delivery of motor fuel. | 03/12/2015 |
HB 2120 | Agriculture and Food |
Relating to changing the name of the Department of Agriculture. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2119 | Agriculture and Food Insurance Other Public Services |
Relating to charitable organizations, including charitable organizations that may conduct prescribed burning. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2202 | Agriculture and Food Transportation |
Relating to requirements for certain farm vehicles when operating on a highway. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2350 | Agriculture and Food Commerce |
Relating to the amount that may be used to guarantee loans under the Texas Agricultural Finance Authority's agricultural loan guarantee program. | 03/13/2015 |
HB 2311 | Agriculture and Food Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues Health |
Relating to the failure to handle certain animals in accordance with rules of the Texas Animal Health Commission; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2504 | Agriculture and Food State Agencies |
Relating to the operation and functions of the Texas Grain Producer Indemnity Board. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2972 | Agriculture and Food Transportation |
Relating to notice concerning the availability to persons who transport agricultural products of an overweight vehicle permit. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2334 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes State Agencies |
Relating to the deposit of certain fees and penalties from programs administered by the Department of Agriculture. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2548 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Environmental State Agencies |
Relating to the disposal of pesticides. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2704 | Agriculture and Food Business and Consumers Commerce |
Relating to the sale, use, or possession of an incorrect weighing or measuring device; creating a criminal offense. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2306 | Agriculture and Food Budget, Spending, and Taxes Environmental Housing and Property |
Relating to the additional tax imposed on land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land if a change in use of the land occurs. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 2495 | Agriculture and Food |
Relating to citrus pest and disease management; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty. | 03/16/2015 |
HB 3290 | Agriculture and Food Education |
Relating to creating a farm to school community connections pilot program. | 03/17/2015 |
HB 3738 | Agriculture and Food Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues Science and Medical Research Technology and Communication |
Relating to the requirement that a person or laboratory that performs an official equine infectious anemia test be approved by the Texas Animal Health Commission. | 03/19/2015 |
HB 3944 | Agriculture and Food Family and Children Issues Health Public Services |
Relating to judicial review of final orders arising out of nutritional programs administrated by the Texas Department of Agriculture. | 03/23/2015 |
HB 3983 | Agriculture and Food Education State Agencies |
Relating to the Global Agricultural Innovation Institute program administered by the Department of Agriculture. | 03/24/2015 |
HB 3764 | Agriculture and Food Health Other |
Relating to exemptions from certain regulation for small honey production operations. | 03/24/2015 |
SB 928 | Agriculture and Food Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues |
Relating to the abolition of the equine incentive program. | 04/27/2015 |
SB 1766 | Agriculture and Food Health Other |
Relating to exemptions from certain regulation for small honey production operations. | 04/27/2015 |
SB 1749 | Agriculture and Food State Agencies |
Relating to citrus pest and disease management. | 04/27/2015 |
SB 1099 | Agriculture and Food State Agencies |
Relating to the operation and functions of the Texas Grain Producer Indemnity Board. | 04/29/2015 |
SB 970 | Agriculture and Food Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues Health |
Relating to the failure to handle certain animals in accordance with rules of the Texas Animal Health Commission; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty. | 04/29/2015 |
SB 505 | Crime Other Transportation |
Relating to painting and marking requirements for certain meteorological evaluation towers; creating an offense. | 04/29/2015 |
SB 610 | Agriculture and Food Legal Issues Other |
Relating to limited liability for an agritourism entity involved in an agritourism activity. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 880 | Agriculture and Food Business and Consumers |
Relating to certain committees and programs to develop the wine industry in this state through the Department of Agriculture. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 1339 | Agriculture and Food |
Relating to the perfection and priority of an agricultural lien on an agricultural crop. | 04/30/2015 |
SB 1204 | Agriculture and Food Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues Budget, Spending, and Taxes Education |
Relating to a waiver of fees by the Department of Agriculture and the Parks and Wildlife Department for certain educational programs involving aquaculture and hydroponics. | 05/01/2015 |
SB 971 | Agriculture and Food Transportation |
Relating to requirements for certain farm vehicles when operating on a highway. | 05/04/2015 |
SB 797 | Agriculture and Food Immigration Other |
Relating to a grant program to reduce wait times for agricultural inspections of vehicles at ports of entry along the Texas-Mexico border. | 05/05/2015 |
SB 1734 | Agriculture and Food Environmental Immigration Other Public Services State Agencies |
Relating to the eradication of Carrizo cane along the Rio Grande River. | 05/11/2015 |
SB 1408 | Agriculture and Food Business and Consumers Commerce Municipal and County Issues Other State Agencies |
Relating to the establishment of a matching grant program for community development in certain municipalities and counties. | 05/14/2015 |
The Texas Legislative Guide was designed and developed by Becca Aaronson, Emily Albracht, Daniel Craigmile, Annie Daniel, Ben Hasson and Ryan Murphy for The Texas Tribune. The Tribune is a nonpartisan, nonprofit media organization that promotes civic engagement and discourse on public policy, politics, government and other matters of statewide concern.